Histology of theDigestive System

Layers of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Distinguishing characteristics of the four layers through the GI tract
Esophageal Stomach Junction
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Pancreas is covered in the Endocrine Lab

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Functions of the Digestive System
    Mixing & Propulsion
        Mechanical digestion
        Chemical digestion

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Layers of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Histology of the Digestive system
1. Mucosa
     a. mucous epithelium
     b. lamina propria
           loose CT
     c. muscularis mucosa
            thin layer of smooth muscle
2. Submucosa
     a. thick layer of loose CT
     b. nerves (plexus); parasympathetic NS
     c. blood vessels
     d. small glands
3. Muscularis
     a. circular smooth muscle
     b. longitudinal muscle
     c. oblique muscle (stomach)
     d. another parasympathetic nerve plexus
4. Serosa/adventita
     a. Peritoneum/serosa
             smooth epithelial layer
     b. Adventitia
              parts of the digestive tract not covered by peritoneum i.e. thorax

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Distinguishing characteristics of the four layers through the GI tract
1. Esophagus
     Mucosa:  Stratified squamous epithelium
     Muscularis:     Skeletal muscle (2 layers; top 1/3)
                          Smooth muscle (2 layers; bottom 1/3)
2. Stomach-Esophageal junction
     Mucosa of Esophagus: Stratified squamous epithelium
     Mucosa of Stomach: Simple columnar epithelium
                                                Gastric pits
     Muscularis (Stomach): Smooth muscle (3 layers)
     Serosa (Stomach)
3. Small Intestine
     MucosaSimple columnar epithelium
                        Villus (sing); Villi (pl)
     MuscularisSmooth muscle (2 layers)
4. Large Intestine
     MucosaSimple columnar epithelium
                           Tons of Goblet cells
    MuscularisSmooth muscle (2 layers)
Esophagus      Esophageal Stomach Junction      Stomach       Small Intestine
Large Intestine          Liver        Pancreas

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    Mucosa:  Stratified squamous epithelium
     Muscularis:     Skeletal muscle (2 layers; top 1/3)
                          Smooth muscle (2 layers; bottom 1/3)

Photo taken by Dr. w. Coons

The neck in cross section (50x).  The esophagus is lined with stratified squamous epithelium and has a scalloped lumen.  The trachea is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and has a smooth lumen.

Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

The black arrow indicates the mucosa;  the blue arrow indicates the submucosa;  the black bracket indicates the muscularis externa; the brown arrow indicates the adventitia.

Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

The black arrow indicates the mucosa;  the blue arrow indicates the submucosa;  the black bracket indicates the muscularis externa.

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Esophageal Stomach Junction

Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

The arrows indicate the junction of the stratified squamous epithelium of the mucosa lining the esophagus and the simple columnar epithelium of the mucosa of the stomach.

The arrow  indicates the junction of the stratified squamous epithelium of the mucosa lining the esophagus and the simple columnar epithelium of the mucosa of the stomach.

The arrow indicates the junction of the stratified squamous epithelium of the mucosa lining the esophagus and the simple columnar epithelium of the mucosa of the stomach.

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     Mucosa of Stomach: Simple columnar epithelium
                                                Gastric pits
     Muscularis (Stomach): Smooth muscle (3 layers)
     Serosa (Stomach)

Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

The black bracket is the mucosa;  the blue bracket is the submucosa; the red bracket is the muscularis; the green arrow indicates the serosa. (50x)

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Small Intestine
    MucosaSimple columnar epithelium
                        Villus (sing); Villi (pl)
     MuscularisSmooth muscle (2 layers)

Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

The black bracket is the mucosa;  the blue bracket is the submucosa; the red bracket is the muscularis. (50x)

Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

This is a villus in the mucosal layer of the SI.  The epithelium is simple columnar.  The red arrows indicate Goblet cells.  The green arrow indicates the microvilli or brush border covering the villus. (400x)

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Large Intestine
     MucosaSimple columnar epithelium
                           Tons of Goblet cells
    MuscularisSmooth muscle (2 layers)

Photo by Dr. W. Coons

The black bracket is the mucosa;  the blue bracket is the submucosa; the red bracket is the muscularis. There are no villi in the large intestine;  there are intestinal glands. (50x)

Photo by Dr. W. Coons

The black bracket is the mucosa;  the blue bracket is the submucosa; the red bracket is the muscularis. Notice the abundance of Goblet cells in the epithelial layer of the mucosa.  There are no villi in the large intestine;  there are intestinal glands.(50x)

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Photo taken by Dr. W. Coons

Liver tissue is arranged into lobules.  Easily seen under the microscope.  The green lines indicate the periphery of the lobules.(50x)

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    Covered in the Endocrine Lab

Designed and constructed by
M. E. Janowski-Bell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Victoria College